Naples is a city that grabs you by the collar and doesn’t let go—a wild, chaotic symphony of history, grit, and passion. Ideally, you’d have a week, maybe two, to truly soak in its raw beauty and ancient soul. But life isn’t always so generous. Sometimes, you’ve only got a day to get your fill of this electrifying madness. Don’t worry—I’ve got you covered. This one-day Naples itinerary hits the highlights, giving you just enough to understand why this city lives in the hearts of so many. But here’s the deal: you’ll need to start early, because Naples doesn’t wait for anyone.
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National Archaeological Museum
A great way to start the day is at one of Europe’s best museums. It may also be one of Europe’s most underrated museums. The spectacular National Archaeological Museum is home to the extensive collection of goods and artifacts unearthed at the Pompeii and Herculaneum sites.
While nothing beats actually being at those sites in person, these collections provide great context and tells a story all its own. With Naples having such a rich and varied history, the museum contains spectacular displays of works from Greece, Egypt and Rome.
Toto e Peppino for pizza
From the national archaeological museum there is a short walk to Toto e Peppino for lunch. This restaurant is situated on the legendary Via dei Tribunali. If you’re not quite ready for lunch, once you get to Via dei Tribunali you can turn left and stroll down this cool street.
This was a main street in Naples dating back to ancient Greek and Roman times. And there’s a bit of everything to be found here. There are many shops and other restaurants to choose from. If you have the time it’s worth it to explore.
Toto e Peppino is a great restaurant that has outdoor seating which is one of the best ways to experience the great food that you’re going to have. There are several choices but this is a great spot for the classic margherita or marinara pizza. Naples is the birthplace of pizza after all. If you’re up for it and you don’t think it’s too early try a limoncello. They’re excellent.
Via dei Tribunali – Via Port’Alba
Once you’ve done your fair share of exploring the Via dei Tribunali and have had lunch, it’s time to head to the Piazza del Plebiscito. To get there you have to head west to the Dante metro station which will allow you to walk along the Via de Tribunal in the opposite direction. It’s about a 5 minute walk.
The station is underground in the piazza that it’s named after. As you make your way to the piazza, maybe stop by Vaco’ e Press across from the piazza for a cannoli or some other treat.
Dante Station – Toledo Station – Via Toledo
Once you’re in the piazza take the stairs down below to the Dante station and take the metro to Toledo station. Once you arrive at the Toledo station you’ll realize that it’s more than you expected. It’s one of the most creatively decorated metro stations that you’ll ever have the privilege of visiting. Allow yourself a few extra minutes to appreciate the art. And enjoy the escalator ride up to the top.
Head south down via Toledo and you’ll find a very lively and exciting stretch of Naples. The street is lined with many stores so it’s a great place to shop. Many of which you’re probably familiar with and others are unique to Naples.
There are also vendors set up on the streets selling their goods and if you stop there you’ll likely get a good deal. As you stroll south down Toledo you’ll notice to your right several side streets that branch off of main street.
The narrow alleys that they create are part of what makes Naples such a fascinating city to walk. There are also some great spots to get gelato down this section of Via Toledo.
Piazza del Plebiscito – Via Cesario Console – Via Nazario Sauro
As you make your way down Via Toledo you’ll eventually come into the massive wide open space that is Piazza del Plebiscito, which is the largest piazza in Naples.
This piazza is home to the Basilica Reale Pontificia San Francesco da Paola and the Palazzo Reale di Napoli, a royal palace along with its apartments. As magnificent as those buildings are they pale in comparison to the expansive piazza that they border.
Waterfront walk
As you pass through the piazza you can continue on through and follow Via Cesario Console which will lead you to the waterfront and spectacular views of the Gulf of Naples and further out in the distance, the great Mount Vesuvius.
Take your time as you walk down Via Nazario Sauro as the street is right at the waterfront and the view is excellent. It’s a nice 10 to 15 minute walk along the waterfront down to Castel dell’Ovo and it’s a nice relaxing walk.
Castel dell’Ovo
Castel dell’Ovo is a great place to not only take in the great history of Naples but to get one of the best views. The castle is free and is a great site to experience.
In the surrounding area there are a few restaurants so it’s an ideal location to stop for dinner. Borgo Marinari is a place that’s well known for their excellent seafood. This would be a great option for dinner.
Posillipo Panoramica
From the Castel or dinner if you’re hungry, you can take the bus to Posillipo Panoramica to get a breathtaking panoramic view of Naples, the Gulf of Naples and Vesuvius far in the background.
This is often called the best view in Naples and it doesn’t disappoint. To get to the look out point, you can either walk or take the funicular up the hill. Once you’re there, you can see Naples in all of its glory.
Enjoy Your Day In Naples
If you’re only passing through Naples for a day, do yourself a favor—study up. A solid guide to this city isn’t just helpful; it’s survival gear. Trust me, once you’ve scratched the surface—tasted the pizza, felt the pulse of the streets, and stared down centuries of history—you’ll be hooked. Naples has a way staying with you, calling you back for more. So go ahead, get your one-day fix, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that’s enough. Come back when you’ve got time to breathe it all in. This isn’t just another Italian city—it’s the heart, the guts, the unapologetic soul of the country. And yeah, we fell in love with it. You will too.